> 文章列表 > 过了春节有什么打算呢英语




As the new year approaches, many people start thinking about their plans and goals for the upcoming year. For a young student, like the one in this article, it\'s essential to have a clear direction and purpose. In this English composition, the student expresses their aspirations and what they hope to achieve in the new year.

The student begins by mentioning that New Year is coming, and they have asked their mother about her plans. Then, the student shares their own plans and goals for the new year. They mention that their mother hopes they will spend more time studying English, so they have made studying English their primary plan for the new year.

This goal reflects the student\'s determination to improve their language skills. It is crucial for the student to focus on English because English is not only a universal language but also plays a significant role in their academic and professional future. By dedicating more time to studying English, the student is preparing themselves for better opportunities and success in their future endeavors.

The student continues by mentioning that they will listen carefully in class and review what they have learned. This shows their commitment to being an active and attentive learner. By paying attention and reviewing their lessons, the student can reinforce their understanding and retention of the material. This study habit will undoubtedly contribute to their overall academic performance and growth.

In addition to their academic plans, the student also mentions that they want to spend more quality time with their family. The Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is a time for family reunions and celebration. The student acknowledges the importance of family and intends to make the most of this festive season by cherishing the moments spent with their loved ones.

Furthermore, the student expresses their excitement for the new year and their anticipation of new opportunities and experiences. They mention that standing on the edge of a new year sparks their thoughts about personal growth and self-improvement. This demonstrates the student\'s ambition and eagerness to embrace new challenges and make the most of the opportunities that come their way.

In conclusion, this English composition by a young student reflects their plans and aspirations for the new year. The student emphasizes the importance of studying English, listening carefully in class, and spending quality time with family. Their determination and enthusiasm for personal growth and self-improvement are commendable and set a positive example for others to follow.


With the arrival of the new year, individuals often contemplate their plans and goals for the upcoming year. It is a time of reflection and setting new targets. In this article, the writer shares their thoughts and plans for the new year.

The writer begins by acknowledging that the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China. Along with celebrating this festive occasion, the writer expresses their desire to make the most of the new year by setting goals and making plans.

The writer mentions their intention to expand their knowledge and interest in various subjects. By exploring new areas of study, they aim to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. This thirst for knowledge indicates the writer\'s curiosity and commitment to intellectual growth.

Moreover, the writer expresses their determination to engage in physical activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle. They recognize the significance of physical well-being and plan to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. This commitment to physical fitness showcases the writer\'s awareness of the mind-body connection and their goal of leading a balanced and fulfilling life.

The writer also emphasizes the importance of giving back to society. They express their desire to volunteer and contribute to their community. Engaging in acts of service not only benefits others but also provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose for the writer themselves. This altruistic plan showcases the writer\'s compassion and willingness to make a positive impact on the world.

Furthermore, the writer discusses their goal of improving their time management skills. They recognize the value of utilizing time effectively and efficiently to maximize productivity. By implementing strategies such as prioritization and organization, the writer aims to enhance their productivity and accomplish more in the new year.

In conclusion, this article illustrates the writer\'s plans and aspirations for the new year. Their desire for knowledge, commitment to physical fitness, dedication to community service, and focus on time management demonstrate their determination to grow and improve in various aspects of life. The new year serves as a fresh start, providing opportunities for personal development and the pursuit of new goals.